Barcelona-Clinic Liver Cancer Staging System

Barcelona-Clinic Liver Cancer Staging system (BCLC Staging of Liver Cancer)

Stage 0
Single tumor < 2 cm Carcinoma in situ. Child-Pugh classification: A. ECOG score: 0. Stage A (early stage)
Single or 3 nodules < 3 cm Child-Pugh classification: A or B ECOG score: 0. Stage B (intermediate stage)
More than 3 tumors in the liver or 1 to 3 tumours with at least 1 that is larger than 3 cm.
Child-Pugh classification: A or B.
ECOG score is 0.

Stage C (advanced stage)
Portal Vein Invasion/Nodal Involvement/Metastases
Child-Pugh classification: A or B
ECOG score: 1 or 2.

Stage D (end stage)
ECOG score is 3 or 4.
Child-Pugh classification is C.


Pons, Fernando, Maria Varela, and Josep M. Llovet. “Staging systems in hepatocellular carcinoma.” Hpb 7.1 (2005): 35-41.