Venous Insufficiency, Varicose Veins Ablation, Imaging:
For newer articles, videos, images on Varicose veins, Venous Insufficiency visit
Consensus for the Treatment of Varicose Vein with Radiofrequency Ablation. Vasc Specialist Int 2014
Guidelines for the management of varicose veins. Phlebology 2012
Anatomy, Imaging:
Techniques for Venous Reflux Disease Evaluation Endovascular Today 2014
Ultrasonographic anatomy of the lower extremity superficial veins Diagn Interv Radiol 2012
Lower Extremity Venous Anatomy Semin Intervent Radiol 2005
Duplex Ultrasound Evaluation of Lower Extremity Venous Insufficiency JVIR 2003
CEAP, Causes, Clinical Evaluation:
Chronic Venous Insufficiency: Clinical Assessment and Patient Selection Semin Intervent Radiol 2005
Endovascular Treatment:
How I Decide to Ablate a Refluxing Perforator. Endovascular Today 2015
Treatment of Recurrent Varicose Veins Endovascular Today 2014
Emerging Endovenous Therapies Endovascular Today 2014
Endovenous laser ablation for the treatment of varicose veins Diagn Interv Radiol 2012
Endovenous Thermal Ablation of the Saphenous Vein Semin Intervent Radiol 2005
Percutaneous Therapy for Deep Vein Reflux:
Percutaneous Therapy for Deep Vein Reflux Semin Intervent Radiol 2005
Ambulatory Phlebectomy:
Ambulatory Phlebectomy Semin Intervent Radiol 2005