Cardiac CT Techniques

Cardiac CT Techniques

For newer articles, videos, images on Cardiac CT Techniques visit

Quality Guidelines:

Korean Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Cardiac CT Korean J Radiol 2015

Quality Management in Cardiopulmonary Imaging Journal of Thoracic Imaging 2011

Dual Energy CT:

Dual-Energy CT of the Heart AJR 2012

ECG Gating Technique:

ECG-Gated Cardiac CT AJR 2004

Electron Beam CT :

Electron Beam CT of the Coronary Arteries AJR 2002

Radiation dose:

Dose Reduction in Cardiothoracic CT: Review of Currently Available Methods RadioGraphics 2014

Radiation Dose at Cardiac Computed Tomography: Facts and Fiction Journal of Thoracic Imaging 2010

Practical Strategies for Low Radiation Dose Cardiac Computed Tomography ournal of Thoracic Imaging 2010

β-Blockers for Cardiac CT:

Safety, Efficacy, and Indications of β-Adrenergic Receptor Blockade to Reduce Heart Rate prior to Coronary CT Angiography Radiology December 2010

β-Blockers for Cardiac CT: A Primer for the Radiologist AJR 2006


Postprocessing Pitfalls in Using CT for Automatic and Semiautomatic Determination of Global Left Ventricular Function RadioGraphics 2012